Jiadai Lin is a Chinese American writer living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her nonfiction tends to explore minor rebellions, intimate friendships, twisted ambitions, and what it means to be a good immigrant daughter. Jiadai’s work appears in Brevity, Pigeon Pages, december, The Rumpus, First Person Singular, and elsewhere, and has been selected finalist in contests including the Sewanee Review’s Nonfiction Contest, the Lamar York Prize for Nonfiction, and the Wabash Prize in Nonfiction. Since 2022, her work has been longlisted twice for the Granum Prize and nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

Jiadai is working on a coming-of-age memoir about the blurred lines between good girl and rebel. She is an alumni of StoryStudio Chicago’s Essay Collection in a Year program and has workshopped her writing at conferences with The Kenyon Review and Tin House. Jiadai is a graduate of Columbia University and works by day as a lawyer for start-up companies.

Contact: jiadai.lin@gmail.com / @jiadailin